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*Dear customer company Heaven King Bizz World ke aakarsak duniya me aap sabhi customer and nagriko ka swagat hai. Dear customer company Heaven King aap sabhi ke bitch aap sabhi ke yaha le kar aai hai ek khas (Lucky Draw jackpot Uphaar yojana ) Lucky draw game jise aap RS. (10) only ki sahyog Rashi kharch Kar khel sakte hai.or jit sakenge every draw per ek sunischit uphaar Dear customer Isa uphaar yojana me company aap sabhi ko only RS.(10) Rupaye ki khach rasi me 10+ type ke free uphaar gift pradan karti hai. Jisame se sabhi customer 1 uphar gift aap company se sunischit compulsory Roop se win karte hai. Har draw coupon per. Dear customer yaha company yah kahti hai ki aap her Draw coupon per 1 Draw coupon price RS. (10) ka buy Kar usko kholne par ya scratch karne par ek sunischit gift uphaar jitate win karte he karte hai. Aap dward draw kiye Gaye draw coupon par ankit kucha Gift uphaar ko aap company se turant Prapt karte hai. Or kuch uphar aap (terms & condition) ke aanusar time aane par apne aap free me Prapt karte hai. Jise aap Tak company ke dwara aasani se pahucha Diya jata hai. time aane per Dear customer Isa blind lucky draw jackpot game me Participate Karne wale sabhi customer me se koi bhi Nirasa or Khali hath wapis nahi lautata yah Isa blind luck game ki khasiyat hai. isaliye yah juaa nahi yah ek Luck game hai.jaha aap company se per lucky draw coupon par Assured gift free jitate win karte hai.draw box se scratch coupon utha Kar open Kar apna gift Prapt kariye.
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